What is an IRS Form SS-4? | Federal EIN Application
A federal employer identification number (FEIN) is a number, nine-digits in length, which the Internal Revenue Service generates for an applying business. The application process happens with the help of the IRS Form SS-4. The FEIN is a requirement for virtually all organizations doing business in the United States. It is also known as an employer identification number (EIN) or even IRS Tax ID number.
The purpose of the nine-digit number which the IRS generates is to identify activity by the organization as a taxpayer. All business entities, whether you are a partnership, corporation, limited liability company, all need to get an employer identification number. The only exception to the rule is if you are a sole proprietor with no employees. It is then you can usually use your Social Security Number instead. Even in those rare cases, though, having a separate EIN to track business activity and report on taxes is usually a better decision.
Steps to learning about IRS Form SS-4
- What is an IRS Form SS-4?
- What is the SS-4 Form Used for?
- Apply for a FEIN Using an SS-4 Form
- Register your FEIN SS-4 Form Online
- Register your FEIN SS-4 Form by Mail or Fax
- How Long Does it Take to Complete an SS-4 Form?
1. What is an IRS Form SS-4?
The IRS Form SS-4 is a form from the Internal Revenue Service. The purpose of the form is to allow an organization to apply for a federal employer identification number (FEIN). When someone goes through the application process for the organization, the outcome will be the nine-digit identifier the IRS assigns.
The individual who compiles the IRS Form SS-4 is the responsible party. This is the individual or entity which has control, management authority, over the assets of the organization. The IRS is also always seeking feedback on the form to improve it, make it clearer to complete. You can fill out the IRS Form SS-4 in a number of ways, which we will get into below. This includes the online application process, or by mail and fax.
2. What is the SS-4 Form Used for?
The IRS Form SS-4 has the use of gathering enough information about an organization to allow the Internal Revenue Service to register the business. The Internal Revenue Service takes the complete IRS Form SS-4 and confirms all the information the responsible party provides. When they confirm the information, they are making sure that the business does not already have an employer identification number (you only need one), and there is valid info to generate the nine-digit EIN.
In the event the IRS Form SS-4 is not complete when the submission takes place, it is possible the Internal Revenue Service rejects the application. They may seek more information or accurate information to be able to process the request and generate the nine-digit unique identifying number.
3. Apply for a FEIN Using an SS-4 Form
You can apply for a federal employer identification number using the IRS Form SS-4. The form itself is pretty straightforward, but you will need to prepare your business owner information before trying to complete it. Preparation of information is crucial as you want to be accurate when taking to the form.
You may seek guidance from a professional when trying to go through the IRS Form SS-4 application process. If you find it difficult to answer certain questions or unclear about the ask of the Internal Revenue Service, professional guidance could be worth your time and resources. You do not want to give false or inaccurate information to the Internal Revenue Service.
4. Register your FEIN SS-4 Form Online
By far the easiest way to fill out or complete the IRS Form SS-4 is through the online application process. You can apply online by going through the Internal Revenue Service online portal. It is there that you can register your organization, competing the IRS Form SS-4 in a virtual setting.
You will fill out the form right on your computer or even mobile device, providing all the information the Internal Revenue Service requests.
Once you finish filling out the IRS Form SS-4 online you can go through the submission process. When you submit the form, it will go to the Internal Revenue Service for confirmation. The IRS will take a look at the data entry and be sure it meets their requirements. This will include looking at the responsible party and being certain their Social Security Number or other identifier matches up with their name and information. Once the confirmation is complete, the IRS will return the nine-digit FEIN on the spot.
5. Register your FEIN SS-4 Form by Mail or Fax
You also have the ability to register for your FEIN by filling out the IRS Form SS-4 and sending it through mail or fax. With the mail method, you are taking to the IRS Form SS-4 and completing it in full. Once you have it done, you will fax it straight to the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS will receive the form via fax and confirm the information before faxing you back your nine-digit identifier.
The mail application process is similar in that you are filling out the paper form in full. Once you have the form ready to go you are going to put it in an envelope and mail it to the Internal Revenue Service. After a few weeks, you will get the FEIN in the mail.
6. How Long Does it Take to Complete an SS-4 Form?
It should not take a long time at all to complete the IRS Form SS-4. Filling out the form itself is a fifteen-minute exercise. What will matter is how you apply. If you apply online, you will have the number in a matter of minutes. Applying via fax will get you your FEIN in some business days. The mail application will take a few weeks.
Understanding the importance of IRS Form SS-4 is crucial for organizations. Filling out the form and applying via an online, mail, or fax method helps ensure your organization is in compliance with the IRS as a legal entity. If you are starting an organization, be in good standing at the start with a FEIN.