You are required to get a Tax ID (EIN) Number for your small business to comply with the Internal Revenue Service. The Internal Revenue Service requires the Tax ID (EIN) Number to properly report taxes, open up business related banking accounts and loans, and to adequately report and process payroll taxes. Apply for a Tax […]
As a personal service corporation, your organization may be structured like a sole proprietorship, partnership, or c-corporation, but regardless, it’s likely that you’re going to need a Tax ID (EIN) Number. Many companies are considered to be personal services corporations, and many of them will need to complete hiring, open bank accounts, and other business-related […]
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit tax ID number that helps the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) identify businesses, non-profit organizations, trusts, estates, church organizations, and a variety of other entities. Although called an “employer” number, an EIN is critical for a range of purposes, and church or church controlled organizations need this number […]
Obtaining a Tax ID (EIN) Number is very important for the beginning of a sole proprietorship. You want to comply with the IRS early on in existence and get ahead of tax return filings and such. Understanding the EIN application process is crucial to the start of the sole proprietorship. Apply for a Sole Proprietor […]
If you have a trust, you will need a Tax ID / EIN Number. The application process you take to get the number will vary on which you are most comfortable with: online, via mail or fax. Many prefer to use a professional 3rd party service as to ensure proper compliance with the Internal Revenue […]
The rules over when an estate needs a Tax ID Number (EIN) are often misunderstood. Many see an estate as something other than a business or company, but it is pretty similar. In more cases than not, a Tax ID (EIN) is something you will need for an estate of deceased. If you figure out […]
A federal employer identification number (FEIN) is a number, nine-digits in length, which the Internal Revenue Service generates for an applying business. The application process happens with the help of the IRS Form SS-4. The FEIN is a requirement for virtually all organizations doing business in the United States. It is also known as an […]
Non-profit organizations include public charities, private foundations, and a variety of other types of entities. Although these groups focus on a range of different missions, they have one core element in common: they are exempt from income tax on an organizational level. If you are thinking about launching a non-profit, you need to obtain a […]
Do you run a nail salon? Are you hiring your first employee? Thinking about opening a business bank account or applying for a loan for your nail salon? In all these situations and many others, you need to obtain a tax ID number called an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Whether you want to apply for […]
Running an automotive shop takes a lot of time, work, and effort. You have all clients to service, vehicles to take care of, deadlines to meet, parts to order, employees to schedule. It takes a small army to keep an automotive shop running. As a shop owner, you also have to deal with other needs […]
© 2025 operates as a Third Party Designee to help customer to obtain their IRS Tax ID (EIN). works only on behalf of our customers and is not associated with any government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service or US Department of Treasury. Please note that we cannot provide legal or financial advice. Information is not reviewed from a legal or accounting standpoint. Use of this website and submission of information and purchases are subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.