Businesses need employer identification numbers (EIN) for a broad range of purposes. When you have employees, you must include your EIN on employee-related tax forms such as the 941 (Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return). You also put this number on forms generated for your employees such as the W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement). Even […]
When you run a business, you decide what to sell, you set your hours, you choose your staff, and you make all kinds of other key decisions. However, you also have to be compliant with a range of government regulations including obtaining business licenses and permits. The exact permits and licenses you need vary based on your […]
Where do you start when advertising your small business? Many small business owners begin with an excellent product or service, but aren’t sure how to reach out to their customers. In truth, marketing and advertising is extremely complex, with a number of different techniques that all need to work together. Here’s how you can get […]
Want to turn your passion into profits? Have a great idea you want to market to the world? Ready to quit your day job and become your own boss? If the answer to these questions is yes, you are probably ready to start your own business. Becoming an entrepreneur can be extremely rewarding, but it […]
Sales taxes. They’re different in every state. Some states have no sales taxes at all. Some states tax goods but not services, or tax both goods and services. As a business owner and entrepreneur (especially an eCommerce entrepreneur), there’s a lot that you need to know about collecting and paying sales tax. What Exactly is […]
Once you launch your business, you need to start marketing and selling your products or services. To do that effectively, you need a strong sales strategy. Here is what you need to know to increase sales, drive profits, and build a successful business. What Is a Sales Strategy? A sales strategy refers to the steps […]
Many small business owners are experts within their field but still struggle with selling their products and services. It can be difficult to pitch a product or service, especially when that product or service represents your own work and your livelihood. Yet small businesses do need to keep selling. Sometimes that also requires refreshing sales […]
When opening a bank account for a partnership, the bank account will function very much like a business joint account. You and your partner (or partners) will meet with a commercial banking specialist. They will need information from every partner about their identity and will likely check both their credit and their banking history. They […]
Let’s say that you purchase products just to resell them. If you purchase something for $100 and pay sales tax, then the customer purchases it from you and pays sales tax, it means that sales tax was paid twice on a single product. To avoid this type of situation, businesses who are resellers are usually […]
Every business has a number of unique identification numbers that allow different agencies to identify and track them. Businesses might have multiple tax ID numbers, tax exempt numbers, and more. A tax ID number, specifically a federal tax ID number, is necessary before getting a tax-exempt number. But it isn’t the same thing. Here are […]
© 2025 operates as a Third Party Designee to help customer to obtain their IRS Tax ID (EIN). works only on behalf of our customers and is not associated with any government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service or US Department of Treasury. Please note that we cannot provide legal or financial advice. Information is not reviewed from a legal or accounting standpoint. Use of this website and submission of information and purchases are subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.